My Hyundai won't charge


New member
Mar 11, 2025
I got the tesla mobile connector last week and ive been using it with an adapted on my ioniq and its been working great for a few days and how i'm getting high amperage error. Did i do something wrong or is there compatiblity problems?
oh so u got the ioniq. first question i have is, is it a phev or is it an ev? next, are u trying to charge via level 1, level 2, or if it's an ev level 3 (the fast charging option using 400v+)? next is what happened with the original portable charging cable that comes with the ioniq? is it ditched because it can only do level 1 charging or... do u just prefer to use the tesla? based on what i know and like in consideration of generally anything electric, shouldnt we take note of compatibility? i recall tesla amobile connector uses north american charging standards compared to the j1772 used by hyundai... so thats quite a difference. but still yeah looks like it works and as u said uve been using it fine for a few days now before an amperage error... hmm is the adapter ure using a tesla to j1772 adapter? yes right? which one specifically? maybe theres not really anything u did wrong just that there might be a minor compatibility issue.

i guess if it isnt working stop using it or forcing it to work that might cause more problems in the long term. just think that it stopped working for a reason, and that reason might be to save u from an even bigger harm? i guess thats possible

last advice in relation to my previous paragraph. i came across this burnt toast theory on tiktok when i was scrolling last week i think its what the youngsters use to justify not pushing through after some "signs." well, this might be it... so i suggest u check full compatibility, maybe ask for advice from a professional as well, and get back here updaye us regarding ur experience :) hoping it goes well... if u figure it out maybe i shd start using a tesla too since ive been tryna find a smart charger